RadBuilder Visual and Nonvisual Objects
Represents a push button that contains a text caption. A Button is a
general-purpose push button for use in applications. The OnTap event
occurs when a user taps the object using a finger or a similar device.
Add actions for OnTap event to to specify what happens when the user
taps the object.
Text: Specifies the text that will be displayed over the surface of
this object.
Style: Specifies the button style.
ImageButton is a button with an image and text includes text, detail and footer.
Bitmap: Specifies the bitmap that appears on the ImageButton.
ImagePosition: Specifies where the image appears on the ImageButton.
ImagePosition indicates whether the Image appears on the left of the button, the right of the button, the top or the bottom.
ImageWidth: Specifies the width of the image appears.
ImageHeight: Specifies the height of the image appears.
ImageRadius: Specifies the distance from a corner to the start point of the corner shape customization for the image.
Text: Specifies the caption or title of the button.
Spacing: Determines the number of pixels between the image (Bitmap) and the text.
Margin: Specifies the number of pixels between the edge of the image, text and the edge of the button.
Detail: Specifies an additional text description
of the ImageButton object. The detail text description can appear under
the text.
DetailFontColor: Specifies detail text font color.
DetailFontSize: Specifies detail text font size.
Footer: Specifies a footer text description of
the ImageButton object. The footer text description can appear at
bottom of the text area.
FooterFontColor: Specifies footer text font color.
FooterFontSize: Specifies footer text font size.
TextSpacing: Determines the number of pixels between the text and the detail text.
Represents a graphical object used to display text in forms.
Use Label objects in forms to add text that the user cannot edit. This
text can be used to label another object.
To add an object to a form that displays text that a user can scroll or
edit, use a Memo or Edit object.
Text: Specifies the text that will be displayed over the surface of
this object.
Represents a graphical object used to display text in forms with
To add an object to a form that displays text that a user can scroll or
edit, use a Memo or Edit object.
Text: Specifies the text that will be displayed over the surface of
this object.
Represents 2D graphic primitives - Lines, Rectangles, RoundRects and
ShapeType: Determines the shape for the shape object.
LineType: Specifies how to place the line inside the shape object with
Line ShapeType.
The LineType value should be one of the type: Diagonal, Top, Left,
Button and Right.
Note: To properly use the LineType property, you must set the ShapeType
property to Line
Radius: Specifies the distance from a corner to the start point of the
corner shape customization for Rectangle shape.
During design time, the maximum possible value of Radius is limited by
the half of the smallest side.
If Radius=0, then no corner shape customization is used.
Note: To properly use the Radius property, you must set the ShapeType
property to Rectangle
Represents a graphical object used to display images on a form.
Use a Image object whenever you need to put an image on a form. You can
use the Bitmap property to specify the image that will be displayed.
Bitmap: Specifies a Bitmap picture to be displayed onto the surface of
this image object.
Setting Bitmap at design time brings up the Bitmap Editor, which can be
used to specify the file that contains the image you want to display.
General-purpose edit box.
Note: For a multiline edit object, use Memo object.
Text: Contains the text displayed by this edit object.
Use the Text property to read the text of this edit object or to
specify a new string to be displayed.
Memo is a multiline text editing object, providing text scrolling.
Use Memo to place a standard multiline edit object on a form. Multiline
edit boxes allow the user to enter more than one line of text. They are
appropriate for representing large amounts of text.
To limit the changes made to the memo object, use properties such as
ReadOnly or Enabled.
Text: Contains the multiline text displayed by this object.
ReadOnly: Specifies whether the memo's text can be changed.
ReadOnly equals to True forbids any modification of the text in the
memo object.
An edit box with a list of predefined choices.
ComboEdit stores the predefined choices in its Items property, which
can be edited at design time.
Text: Contains the text displayed by this edit object.
Use the Text property to read the text of this edit object or to
specify a new string to be displayed.
Items: A persistent object storing the list of items.
To add items to a ComboEdit at design time, use the Items property. The
items can be entered in the String List Editor.
A ComboBox is a button with a list box attached to it.
Click the button to display the list. You can select an item from the
list and it will appear as the button's text. You cannot type text
directly into the combo box button.
ItemIndex: Specifies the index of the currently selected item.
Gets or sets the index of the item that is selected in the combo box.
The first item in the list has index 0, the second item has index 1,
and so on. If no item is selected, the value of ItemIndex is -1.
Items: Specifies the items in the drop-down list.
Use Items to get or set the list of items in the drop-down as strings.
Use the NumberBox when you need a box that allows typing only numbers.
The content of the number box depends on what the user types.
Value: Contains the number displayed by an object.
ValueFloat: Data type used by the edit boxes that can display float or
integer only.
DecimalDigits: The number of decimals of the number displayed.
VertIncrement: Represents the value with which the number is
incremented or decremented when, while holding down the mouse button,
you move the mouse vertically.
VertIncrement represents the value added or decreased from the number
when, while holding down the mouse button, you move the mouse up or
Max: Contains the maximum value the number displayed by the object can
Min: Contains the minimum value the number displayed by the object can
Represents a general-purpose track bar for use in applications where
tracking is required.
TrackBar represents a track bar that can be used for various types of
tracking operations. Move the slide indicator by dragging it to a
particular location or click (Tap) in the bar to change its Value.
Value: Specifies the current value of this track bar.
Set or get Value to specify or obtain the current value of this track
bar. You can set Value at design time or run time, with any value
within the interval delimited by Min and Max.
Frequency: Specifies the number of positions the slider advances with
each move.
Use the Frequency property to specify how many steps at once the slider
advances with each move. For instance, if you set Frequency to 10, Min
to 0, and Max to 100, then there are only 10 steps for this slider to
move within the 0 to 100 range; Value is incremented or decremented
with 10 divisions.
Frequency is a floating-point Single value; setting Frequency to 0
enables this track bar to increment or decrement by 0.01 divisions by
step. Setting Frequency to any integer value (for instance 1, or 5, and
so on) will enable this track bar to increment or decrement by the
specified value.
However, please take into consideration that if you set Frequency to
any value greater than 0 and you try to assign a value to Value, then
your value will be converted to the nearest multiple of Frequency.
Vertical: The track bar is rendered with the bottom-to-top orientation
or not.
Max: Specifies the maximum value of this track bar for the maximum
position of the slider.
Use the Max property to set a maximum value up to which the slider of
this track bar can go. For instance, if Max is set to 100 (a default
value), then attempting to move the slider to the maximum will result
in a Value of 100.
Min: Specifies the minimum value of this track bar, for the minimum
position of the slider.
Use the Min property to set a minimum value down to which the slider of
this track bar can go. For instance, if Min is set to 0 (a default
value), then attempting to move the slider to the minimum will result
in a Value of 0.
Represents a check box that can be either on (selected) or off
Text: Specifies the text that will be displayed over the surface of
this object.
IsCheck: Specifies whether the state of this check box is selected or
Set the IsChecked property to True in order to force this check box's
state to be selected. The check box becomes cleared once you click
(Tap) it again.
Represents a two-way on-off switch for use in applications.
Use a Switch whenever you need to provide the user with a two-way
on-off switch.
IsChecked: Specifies the state of this switch object (on or off).
Use the IsChecked property to specify the status of this switch (on -
True; off - False).
Represents a single-line editable text box containing a date.
When you click or tap the DateEdit object, it displays a date picker
that allows you to select a date.
Date: Represents the date that is shown in the text box of the DateEdit
DateFormatLong: Specifies a long date (day of week, month date, year),
such as Monday, January 27, 2014 or not.
Represents a single-line editable text box containing a specified time.
When you click or tap the TimeEdit object, it displays a time picker
that allows you to select a time.
Time: Represents a time that is displayed in the text box of this
TimeFormatLong: Specifies a long time (hour, minute, second), such as
12:02:01 PM or not.
Represents a combo box that allows you to select an alpha color from a
color spectrum.
A ColorBox behaves like a standard ComboBox, with the difference that,
while in drop-down mode, it displays a color spectrum represented as a
HueTrackBar, an alpha channel track bar, a color quad and a HEX color
value edit box. These make the ColorBox a great color selector.
Color: Specifies the color selected by this color box object.
Set or get the Color property in order to specify or obtain the alpha
color selected by this color box object.
UseAlpha: Specifies whether this color box object will display the
alpha channel track bar when in drop-down mode.
Set the UseAlpha property to True to make this color box display the
alpha channel (transparency) track bar, when it is in drop-down mode.
Set UseAlpha to False to use solid non-alpha colors.
Grid represents a grid object designed to simplify the handling of
RowHeight: Specifies the height of each row of this grid, in pixels.
Read RowHeight to determine the size of each row in the grid. If the
underlying grid is too tall to appear in the object, then the user must
scroll to see the entire content of the grid.
AlternatingRow: Specifies whether the alternate rows of the Grid object
have a background color.
RowSelect: Specifies whether a click or tap on a row in the Grid object
selects that row.
AlwaysShowSelection: Specifies if an update of the content of the cell
also immediately selects that cell.
Header: Specifies whether the header row of the Grid object is
Data: Columns and rows strings of the grid.
The Chart object lets you present information in a graphical format
that enables users to quickly grasp the information.
Chart includes chart series types: Line, Bar, Area, Point and
Series: Add, Edit and Delete series.
Data: Edit the series data.
Title: The chart title.
Foot: The chart footer.
BackColor: The app will paint the whole chart background with the
chosen color.
LegendPosition: If the Legend is set to the side (left or right) of the
Chart the contents of the Legend, by default, sit as a list from top to
bottom. If the Legend sits below or above the Chart then the Legend
contents are placed side by side.
Chart3DPercent: Controls the depth of the 3D effect.
LabelsAngle: Specifies the amount (in degrees) by which the labels of
the serie values are rotated from the x-axis.
FontSize: The height of the chart font in points.
FontColor: Specifies the color for the Chart font.
ColorStyle: Select color palette for the series points.
Represents a list view object that you can use to hold and present various types of items.
The ListView displays a collection of items in a list that is optimized
for binding dataset with DataSet, FieldName, DetailFieldName,
BitmapFieldName and ButtonTextFieldName properties of the object and
for fast and smooth scrolling.
You can add items to a ListView by binding to a dataset object (DBTable
or DBQuery) with the DataSet property of the object. The items in the
list view can have one or more of the following appearance features:
A caption text, using the FieldName property to bind to a dataset field
A detail text, using the DetailFieldName property to bind to a dataset field
An associated image, using the BitmapFieldName property to bind to a dataset image field
A button attached, using the ButtonTextFieldName to bind to a dataset
field (The ItemAppearance is ImageListItemBottomDetailRightButton or
Items: You can add items and set the Icon (Bitmap),
Text, Detail, ButtonText properties of the items and link them to Forms (Show the form when users tap the item)
and Value objects (The Value object actions will be done when users tap the item) for actions.
ItemAppearance: Name of the appearance of regular list view items.
ItemHeight: Height in pixels of each regular list view item.
ShowSelection: Determines whether the selection is visible when selecting list view items.
TextFontColor: Specifies the font color of the items caption text.
TextFontSize: Specifies the font size of the items caption text.
DetailFontColor: Specifies the font color of the items detail text.
DetailFontSize: Specifies the font size of the items detail text.
ButtonText: Specifies the text of the items buttons, if the ButtonTextFieldName does not bind any dataset field.
ButtonFontColor: Specifies the font color of the items button text.
ButtonFontSize: Specifies the font size of the items button text.
ButtonWidth: Specifies the width in pixels of the items button.
ImageWidth: Specifies the width in pixels of the items image.
ImageHeight: Specifies the height in pixels of the items image.
DataSet: Set DataSet to the name of an existing
dataset object (DBTable or DBQuery) at design time. At runtime the data
from a dataset object is provided to the object.
FieldName: Specifies the field from
which the items caption text displays data. Access by the object to the
dataset in which the field is located is provided by a DataSet object,
specified in the DataSet property.
DetailFieldName: Specifies the field from which the items detail text displays data.
BitmapFieldName: Specifies the image field from which the items image displays data.
ButtonTextFieldName: Specifies the field from which the items button text displays data.
Container object represents a generic general-purpose panel used to
hold multiple objects for organizing purposes.
Use Panel objects when you need to provide the user with a way of
placing multiple graphical objects on a surface for organizing
Panels have methods to help manage the placement of child objects
embedded in the panel. You can also use panels to group objects
together. Panels are typically used for groups of objects within a
single form.
With the Style property, the Panel object can work as a tab set that
has the appearance of notebook dividers. User can tap it from left to
right or from right to left to do tab Slide Transition.
The children objects of the Panel object will become the
individual tabs of this panel object. The captions of the tabs display
the children's object name if the panel style is TabDefault, TabTop or
Style: Specifies the panel works as normal panel or notebook at run time.
NormalPanel: Normal panel, not tab notebook style.
TabDefault: The tabs are at the default position for the object on the target platform.
TabTop: Tab notebook style and the tabs are at the top of the object at run-time.
TabBottom: Tab notebook style and the tabs are at the bottom of the object at run-time.
TabDots: Tab notebook style and the tabs are rendered as small dots at the bottom of the object.
TabNone: Tab notebook style but tabs are not visible at run-time.
User can tap it from left to right or from right to left to do tab
Slide Transition.
ClipChildren: Specifies whether the current container object has a
clipped child.
ClipChildren is True if the object has a clipped child, and False
A container for extra information relevant to another item, with a
visual indicator pointing to that item.
CalloutPosition: Defines the side where the callout pointer appears.
Set CalloutPosition to one of the Top, Left, Bottom, or Right constants
to define the side on which the callout pointer should appear.
CalloutLength: The length of the visual element that points at the area
of interest.
CalloutWidth: The width of the visual element that points at the area
of interest.
CalloutOffset: The position of the callout pointer, relative to the
center or edges of the side on which it appears.
Radius: Specifies the distance from a corner to the start point of the
corner shape customization.
ClipChildren: Specifies whether the current container object has a
clipped child.
ClipChildren is True if the object has a clipped child, and False
Represents a scrolling area in a form. Set the AutoArrange property
True, the ScrollBox will auto arrange it's children at run-time.
Transparent: Indicates whether the object is transparent or not.
AutoArrange: Auto arrange it's children at run-time.
Columns: Specifies the number of columns on which
to display the object's children at run-time when the AutoArrange
property is True.
ItemHeight: Specifies the height of the object's children at run-time when the AutoArrange property is True.
Spacing: Determines the number of pixels between the object's children at run-time when the AutoArrange property is True.
Splitter divides the client area of a container object into resizable panes.
Add a splitter to a container object between two aligned objects to
allow users to resize the objects at runtime. The splitter sits between
a object aligned to one edge of the container object and the objects
that fill up the rest of the client area. Give the splitter the same
alignment as the object that is anchored to the edge of the container
object. When the user moves the splitter, it resizes the anchored
object. This, in turn, changes the client area of the container object,
and the objects that fill up the rest of the client area resize
Use each object on the container object as a separate pane. After each
pane is placed, place a splitter with the same alignment to allow that
pane to be resized. The last pane to be placed on the container object
should be client-aligned, so that it resizes automatically to fill up
the remaining space after all other panes are resized.
Specifies the minimum size, in pixels, of the objects that are being
split in case of sliding the splitter to the maximum of one of the
left, right, top, or bottom margins.
Nonvisual object works as variables.
BooleanValue: A boolean variable, True and False.
IntegerValue: A integer variable.
ColorValue: A color variable.
FloatValue: A float (double) variable, 5.0 x 10^-324 .. 1.7 x 10^308
DateValue: A date variable, represents a date value.
TimeValue: A time variable, represents a time value.
StringValue: A string variable, a string represents a sequence of
TextValue: A string variable, a string represents a multiline text.
EnumType: Enumerated value type.
EnumValue: Enumerated value.
Loop: Implement IF-THEN-ELSE, WHILE-LOOPS and FOR-LOOPS statement actions
with the OnBooleanValue event that triggered when the BooleanValue
prperty changed from False to True. The value can be:
None: Implements
a conditional statement. When the BooleanValue property changed from
False to True, the OnBooleanValue event will be triggered and the
actions will be executed once.
WhileLoop: Implements conditionally iterate a
statement. Executes the OnBooleanValue event actions repeatedly until
the value of the BooleanValue is false, when the BooleanValue prperty
changed from False to True (OnBooleanValue event).
ForLoop: Implements an iterative loop. The
OnBooleanValue event actions are executed and decrements the
IntegerValue property by 1 repeatedly UNTIL the value of the
IntegerValue property is 0 (or less then 0) or the value of the
BooleanValue property is false, when the BooleanValue prperty changed
from False to True (OnBooleanValue event).
TranslateData: Pairs of strings separated by control charactors.
TranslateCtrlCharacter: Specifies control charactor.
TranslateSource: The translate source string.
TranslateTarget: The translate result string.
For example
TranslateCtrlCharacter: ~
The TranslateData:
Use the SetPropertyValue action to set the TranslateSource "1", the TranslateTarget property will be "ON".
If TranslateSource = "1" then TranslateTarget = "ON"
Else If TranslateSource = "2" then TranslateTarget = "OFF"
Else If TranslateSource = "3" then TranslateTarget = "Unknown"
Else TranslateTarget = "".
Creating Shadow, Blur, Glow, InnerGlow, Bevel and Reflection effects
for visible objects. You can attach and apply an effect to any visual
Animations modify property values over time. They can be started
automatically or manually, both with an optional delay. After the
animation has run its course over the defined time period, it can stop,
start over, or do the same but in reverse.
Nonvisual object for audio file playback.
FileName: Specifies the audio file name played by the current object.
Active: Set Active to True to start playing the audio file. Set Active
to False to stop playing the file.
Use a Timer object to repeat specific actions after a given time
The execution of the timer occurs through its OnTimer event. Timer has
an Interval property that determines how often the timer's OnTimer
event occurs.
Interval: Determines the amount of time, in milliseconds, that passes
before the timer object initiates another OnTimer event.
Interval determines how frequently the OnTimer event occurs. Each time
the specified interval passes, the OnTimer event occurs and the actions
will be done.
Enabled: Controls whether the timer generates OnTimer events
Use Enabled to enable or disable the timer. If Enabled is True, the
timer responds normally. If Enabled is False, the timer does not
generate OnTimer events.
A dataset that works with a single database table.
Use DBTable to browse a database table and edit its records.
TableName: Gets / sets table name to open.
Fields: Use the Fields Editor at design time to create persistent lists
of the field components used by the datasets in your application.
Persistent fields component lists are stored in your application, and
do not change even if the structure of a database underlying a dataset
is changed. All fields in a dataset are either persistent or dynamic.
Add new persistent fields to a dataset and create data fields and
lookup fields.
With the Fields Editor to access the following commands and set the
fields properties:
Add All Data Fields: Creates persistent fields for every field
in the underlying dataset.
New Data field: Create new persistent fields as additions to or
replacements of the other persistent fields in a dataset.
New Lookup Field: Create new lookup field. A lookup field is a
read-only field that displays values at runtime based on search
criteria you specify. In its simplest form, a lookup field is passed
the name of an existing field to search on, a field value to search
for, and a different field in a lookup dataset whose value it
should display.
Edit: Edit the fields properties.
Delete: Delete the field from the field list.
Active: Specifies whether or not a dataset is open.
Use Active to determine or set whether a dataset is populated with
data. When Active is false, the dataset is closed; the dataset cannot
read or write data and attached objects can not use it to fetch data or
post edits. When Active is true, the dataset can be populated with
data. It can read data from a database. Active datasets can post
Remote: Specifies whether or not a dataset
connect to remote dataserver - RadBuilder DataServer for the
multi-tiered applications.
RemoteHost: Specifies the host for the remote connection. It should be remote computer (RadBuilder DataServer) IP address.
RemotePort: Specifies the port for the remote connection.
RemoteUserName: Specifies the user name for the remote connection.
RemotePassword: Specifies the password for the remote connection.
Note: The
RemoteHost, RemotePort, RemoteUserName and RemotePassword properties
should match the remote data server computer IP address,
RadBuilder DataServer connections settings (Port, User Name and
The remote data is readonly.
For more information about RadBuilder DataServer and Multi-tiered Applications: RadBuilder DataServer
A dataset capable of executing SQL queries.
Use DBQuery to execute SQL queries, browse the result sets, and edit
the result set records.
SQL: Contains the text of the SQL statement to execute for the query. It supports parameterized SQL statement:
A parameterized
SQL statement contains parameters, the values of which can be varied at
design time or runtime. Parameters can replace data values, such as
those used in a WHERE clause for comparisons, that appear in an SQL
statement. The names of parameters are names of Value objects those
exist and the parameter values are StringValue properties of the Value
objects. For example, in the following SELECT statement:
SELECT * FROM Country WHERE Name=":Value1" or Capital=":Value2" and Population<:Value3;
In this SQL statement, :Value1, :Value2 and
:Value3 are placeholders for actual values supplied to the statement at
run time by your application. Note that the names of parameters begin
with a colon. The colon is required so that the parameter names can be
distinguished from literal values.
The DBQuery objects use the StringValue
properties of Value objects to store these values. Before the dataset
can execute the query, you must supply values for the StringValue
properties of the Value objects with SetPropertyValue actions or other
Fields: Use the Fields Editor at design time to create persistent lists
of the field components used by the datasets in your application.
Persistent fields component lists are stored in your application, and
do not change even if the structure of a database underlying a dataset
is changed. All fields in a dataset are either persistent or dynamic.
Active: Specifies whether or not a dataset is open.
Use Active to determine or set whether a dataset is populated with
data. When Active is false, the dataset is closed; the dataset cannot
read or write data and attached objects can not use it to fetch data or
post edits. When Active is true, the dataset can be populated with
data. It can read data from a database. Active datasets can post
Remote: Specifies whether or not a dataset
connect to remote dataserver - RadBuilder DataServer for the
multi-tiered applications.
RemoteHost: Specifies the host for the remote connection. It should be remote computer (RadBuilder DataServer) IP address.
RemotePort: Specifies the port for the remote connection.
RemoteUserName: Specifies the user name for the remote connection.
RemotePassword: Specifies the password for the remote connection.
Note: The
RemoteHost, RemotePort, RemoteUserName and RemotePassword properties
should match the remote data server computer IP address,
RadBuilder DataServer connections settings (Port, User Name and
The remote data is readonly.
For more information about RadBuilder DataServer and Multi-tiered Applications: RadBuilder DataServer
DBNavigator (the database navigator) is used to move through the data
in a dataset and perform operations on the data, such as inserting a
blank record or posting a record.
ConfirmDelete: Determines whether a message box appears asking you to
confirm record deletions initiated using the database navigator.
VisibleButtons: Determines the buttons that appear on the binding
database navigator.
Contains information about the Kinvey cloud service connection and
methods to create, retrieve, update, and delete objects in the cloud.
KinveyCloud is a non-visual object that sets up Kinvey connection
properties such as AppKey, AppSecret, MasterSecret, and UserName and
call the object methods to use the Kinvey cloud service as backend
AppKey (AppId)
SaveDataToCloud: Save object property value to cloud.
LoadDataFromCloud: Retrieve object property value from cloud.
DeleteDataFromCloud: Delete cloud data from cloud.
Note: it does not support image or file storage.