Features |
AutoRun Pro |
AutoRun Pro Enterprise |
Database Application Builder |
RadBuilder |
Create autorun CD menu project |
Create interactive multimedia applications |
Create database applications |
Create database Web applications |
Database and Web |
Database |
Web |
Publish Project |
CD-R/CD-RW and ISO CD-ROM Image |
Hard Drive and USB Flash Drive (USB Stick) |
CD Label and CD Icon settings |
Built-in CD/DVD burner |
Interface |
Object Templates |
Page Temlates |
Project FileList and DragDrop link file |
Extended |
Variables (Variable properties of Label object) |
CustomActions (CustomActions property of Label object) |
Application and Project |
Application Title |
Application Icon |
Application File settings (Description, LegalCopyright, Version Information) |
SplashScreen |
FullScreenBackground |
SecurityFormSettings |
ExitForm |
ExpireSettings |
Objects |
Container objects |
Panel |
TabNotebook |
TabSheet |
GroupBox |
ScrollBox |
Normal objects |
Splitter |
Button |
ImageButton |
Label |
Text |
Image |
Bevel |
FadeButton |
FadeLabel |
FadeText |
Shape |
Balloon |
Note |
SlideShow |
Edit |
CheckBox |
RadioButton |
MaskEdit |
SpinEdit |
DateTimePicker |
ListBox |
ComboBox |
Memo |
RichText |
ScrollBar |
TrackBar |
ProgressBar |
MonthCalendar |
ColorBox |
ListView |
TreeView |
WebBrowser |
MediaPlayer |
FlashPlayer |
PDFReader |
Timer |
Database objects |
DBQuery |
DBTable |
DBNavigator |
DBGrid |
DBText |
DBEdit |
DBMemo |
DBListBox |
DBComboBox |
DBRadioGroup |
DBCheckBox |
DBLookupListBox |
DBLookupComboBox |
DBRichText |
DBImage |
DBChart |
Report objects |
Report |
RepBand |
RepSubDetail |
RepLabel |
RepDBText |
RepDBRichText |
RepDBImage |
RepSUM |
RepSysData |
RepMemo |
RepRichText |
RepImage |
RepShape |
RepContainer |
Actions |
OpenRunFile |
VisitWebsite |
SendEmail |
PrintDocument |
Browse |
LoadObjects |
PlaySound |
StopSound |
PlayBackMusic |
StopBackMusic |
SetPropertyValue (Read/Write object properties,
Constant expressions, Global functions, even take real or integer
operands, add items, lines to objects ListBox, ComboBox, Memo...) |
IfThenElse |
Loop |
DoCustomActions |
SetFocus |
LoadFromFile |
SaveToFile |
Dialog.[Open Dialog] |
Dialog.[Save Dialog] |
Dialog.[Open Picture Dialog] |
Dialog.[Save Picture Dialog] |
Dialog.[Open Text File Dialog] |
Dialog.[Save Text File Dialog] |
Dialog.[Color Dialog] |
Dialog.[Font Dialog] |
Dialog.[Select Directory] |
ShowMessage |
ShellExecute |
Exit |
SlideShow.Play |
SlideShow.Stop |
SlideShow.First |
SlideShow.Last |
SlideShow.Prior |
SlideShow.Next |
MediaPlayer.Play |
MediaPlayer.Pause |
MediaPlayer.Stop |
MediaPlayer.Close |
DataSet.Open |
DataSet.Close |
DataSet.First |
DataSet.Last |
DataSet.Prior |
DataSet.Next |
DataSet.Edit |
DataSet.Append |
DataSet.Insert |
DataSet.Delete |
DataSet.Post |
DataSet.Cancel |
DataSet.Refresh |
ExecuteSQL |
DataSetLocate |
Database.Open |
Database.Close |
PreviewReport |
PrintReport (or ExportReport) |
PrinterSetup |
ShowFormModal |
ShowForm |
GotoForm |
CloseForm |
DBGridNextPage (for Web only) |
DBGridPriorPage (for Web only) |
FileAndDir.GetSpecialFolder |
FileAndDir.CreateDir |
FileAndDir.DirExists |
FileAndDir.FileExists |
FileAndDir.GetFolderNames |
FileAndDir.GetFileNames |
FileAndDir.RemoveDir |
FileAndDir.DeleteFile |
FileAndDir.Copy |
FileAndDir.IniFileReadString |
FileAndDir.IniFileReadInteger |
FileAndDir.IniFileReadFloat |
FileAndDir.IniFileReadBoolean |
FileAndDir.IniFileReadColor |
FileAndDir.IniFileReadDateTime |
FileAndDir.IniFileWriteString |
FileAndDir.IniFileWriteInteger |
FileAndDir.IniFileWriteFloat |
FileAndDir.IniFileWriteBoolean |
FileAndDir.IniFileWriteColor |
FileAndDir.IniFileWriteDateTime |
Registry.ReadString |
Registry.ReadInteger |
Registry.ReadFloat |
Registry.ReadBoolean |
Registry.ReadColor |
Registry.ReadDateTime |
Registry.WriteString |
Registry.WriteInteger |
Registry.WriteFloat |
Registry.WriteBoolean |
Registry.WriteColor |
Registry.WriteDateTime |
Registry.CreateKey |
Registry.DeleteKey |
Registry.DeleteValue |
Registry.KeyExists |
Registry.ValueExists |
Shell.ShellExecute |
Shell.FindExecutable |
Shell.FindWindow |
Shell.SetForegroundWindow |
Application.GetApplicationDirectory |
Application.GetParamCount |
Application.GetParamStr |
Application.Minimize |
Application.Restore |
String.Part |
String.Delete |
String.Length |
String.LowerCase |
String.UpperCase |
String.Pos |
String.Replace |
String.Trim |
Color.GetRed |
Color.GetGreen |
Color.GetBlue |
Color.SetRed |
Color.SetGreen |
Color.SetBlue |
DateTime.Now |
DateTime.FormatDateTime |
DateTime.GetYear |
DateTime.GetMonth |
DateTime.GetDay |
DateTime.GetHour |
DateTime.GetMinute |
DateTime.GetSecond |
DateTime.GetMillisecond |
DateTime.SetYear |
DateTime.SetMonth |
DateTime.SetDay |
DateTime.SetHour |
DateTime.SetMinute |
DateTime.SetSecond |
DateTime.SetMillisecond |
Arithmetic.[X.String = Y.String + Z.String] |
Arithmetic.[X.Integer = Y.Integer + Z.Integer] |
Arithmetic.[X.Float = Y.Float + Z.Float] |
Arithmetic.[X.Float = Y.Float + Z.Integer] |
Arithmetic.[X.Float = Y.Integer + Z.Float] |
Arithmetic.[X.Float = Y.Integer + Z.Integer] |
Arithmetic.[X.Integer = Y.Integer - Z.Integer] |
Arithmetic.[X.Float = Y.Float - Z.Float] |
Arithmetic.[X.Float = Y.Float - Z.Integer] |
Arithmetic.[X.Float = Y.Integer - Z.Float] |
Arithmetic.[X.Float = Y.Integer - Z.Integer] |
Arithmetic.[X.Integer = Y.Integer * Z.Integer] |
Arithmetic.[X.Float = Y.Float * Z.Float] |
Arithmetic.[X.Float = Y.Float * Z.Integer] |
Arithmetic.[X.Float = Y.Integer * Z.Float] |
Arithmetic.[X.Float = Y.Integer * Z.Integer] |
Arithmetic.[X.Integer = Y.Integer / Z.Integer] |
Arithmetic.[X.Float = Y.Float / Z.Float] |
Arithmetic.[X.Float = Y.Float / Z.Integer] |
Arithmetic.[X.Float = Y.Integer / Z.Float] |
Arithmetic.[X.Float = Y.Integer / Z.Integer] |