FlashDemo Pro 5.0
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FlashDemo Pro is a very powerful tool that lets you create professional
demos and tutorials without programming knowledge. There are no
complicated interfaces and your demonstration or presentation could be
ready in just minutes.
FlashDemo Pro works by taking a series of screenshots of a running
application. It records the actions being taken on the application and
so is able to demonstrate a simulation of these actions. Each
screenshot taken by FlashDemo Pro constitutes a Scene that can then be
edited to suit your required demo/tutorial.
After recording a running application and the actions taken on that
application, add detail, annotations and explanations to your movie by
adding Objects and visual aids and manipulating the time sequencing for
Scenes, objects and visual aids in the Editing Window.
FlashDemo Pro is extremely flexible and easy to use. The Editing tools
available allow total control of scene behaviour and all visual aids
and objects within the scene.
You can create Demos/Tutorials in minutes
programming knowledge required. Capture visual changes to your desktop
in real time and auto-record mouse movements and appearance.
Add, Remove (or Duplicate) Scenes. Edit individual scenes and preview
the results for the single scene instantly. FlashDemo Pro's Editing
Tools (Objects) makes editing very fast and efficient. Use Objects to
add unlimited visual (and/or Audio) aids in your demo/tutorial.
FlashDemo Pro is TimeLine based and provides efficient methods for
arranging the sequence of events.
FlashDemo Pro allows you to Publish movies in the following formats
Flash Movie (.swf)
Executable File (.exe)
HTML File (.htm)
AutoRun CD/DVD Files or burn CD/DVD directly with built-in CD Burner
You can save, share and distribute your completed demo/tutorial using
these options
Platform: Windows
Price: $69
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